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    احصل على عرض أسعار فوري

    لا يمكن للمورد الجيد أن يجعلك خاليًا من القلق فحسب، بل يمكّن عملك من التطور المستدام ويسمح لعلامتك التجارية بتعزيز سمعة علامتك التجارية باستمرار من حيث الخدمة والجودة.

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      1. الصفحة الرئيسية
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      5. DELCO Waterproof Direct Acting Diaphragm Solenoid Valves for Fountain

      تفاصيل الاتصال

      DELCO Waterproof Direct Acting Diaphragm Solenoid Valves for Fountain

      Waterproof direct acting diaphragm solenoid valves are widely used in underwater systems such as fountains, aquariums and swimming pools because they open from 0 bar, offer fast response, high flow rates and are waterproof. When it comes to managing water flow, these solenoid valves are fast responding, durable and compatible with a wide range of control systems, making them ideal for underwater environments. Choosing the right size valve will ensure efficient and reliable operation of the system while enhancing the functionality and aesthetics of the water feature.

      الموديل: 2W41
      نطاق الحجم:3/8”~2”
      نطاق الضغط: 0.0MPa-1MPa
      المادة: Stainless Steel 304/316, Brass 


      احصل على عرض أسعار فوري

      لا يمكن للمورد الجيد أن يجعلك خاليًا من القلق فحسب، بل يمكّن عملك من التطور المستدام ويسمح لعلامتك التجارية بتعزيز سمعة علامتك التجارية باستمرار من حيث الخدمة والجودة.

        تحرير المحتوى

        Introduction to stainless steel sanitary diaphragm normally open solenoid valves:

        The direct-acting diaphragm waterproof solenoid valve is a highly versatile product, commonly used in underwater systems such as fountains, aquariums, swimming pools and similar applications. Manufactured in China, this solenoid valve is electromagnetically actuated for medium-temperature media and is suitable for use with water, gases, oils and liquids. The valve structure is diaphragm-type, the port size range is 1/2″ to 2″ (DN15 to DN50), and the connection methods are threaded or flanged. The valves are watertight and have a pressure range of 0 to 1.0 MPa (0 to 150 PSI). They are available in DC12~24V (±10%) or AC110~220V, 50/60Hz, and they come with a 12-month warranty.   

        Features of Sanitary Solenoid Valve:

        The waterproofing and safety of Stainless steel food grade solenoid valves make them indispensable in a variety of applications in underwater industries. Some common applications include:

          • Compact Construction: The valves are designed to be compact, ensuring ease of installation even in tight spaces.                                    
          • IP68 Solenoid Coil: Rated for continuous underwater use, the IP68 solenoid coil ensures the valve can operate reliably without water ingress affecting its performance.
          • Safety: The diaphragm is made of flexible and durable rubber to ensure a tight seal and smooth operation, thus increasing safety by preventing wear and reducing the risk of water hammer.


        حجم المنفذ3/8″, 1/2″, 3/4″, 1″, 1¼”, 1½”, 2″الجهد االكهربىتيار مستمر 12 فولت، 24 فولت؛ تيار متردد 24 فولت، 120 فولت، 240 فولت/60 هرتز؛ 110 فولت، 220 فولت/50 هرتز
        وظيفةNormally Closed  فئة الحمايةIP68
        الضغط0-1.0 MPa (0 to 10 bar)وسائل الإعلام المناسبة الماء، النفط، الهواء، الغاز الخ.
        ضمان 12 monthsCustomized Support الشركة المصنعة للمعدات الأصلية
        مادة Stainless steel or Brassتسامح الجهد±10%

        DESCRIPTION :Direct-acting diaphragm solenoid valves are essential for controlling the flow of water in underwater applications. They are sensitive, robust, and compatible with a wide range of control systems, making them ideal for fountains, aquariums, and other underwater environments. By choosing valves with the right specifications, you can ensure efficient and reliable operation and improve the functionality and aesthetics of your water feature.


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          تحرير المحتوى
          معرض مصنع DELCO VALVE
          تحرير المحتوى

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