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  5. DELCO Cast Iron Multi-turn Actuator Electric Knife Gate Valves

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DELCO Cast Iron Multi-turn Actuator Electric Knife Gate Valves

DELCO, a trailblazer in the industry, provides a range of valves including electric knife gate valves, basalt-lined gate valves, resilient-seated gate valves, resilient-seated sluice valves, and industrial edge gate valves. The Electric Knife Gate Valves are distinguished by their superior quality, high efficiency, low power consumption, modular design, and weather resistance. These valves come in both wafer and lug styles, and are available with either cast iron or stainless steel bodies.

Model: Multi-turn Electric Valves
Rozsah velikostí: 2” to 24”
Rozsah tlaku: 0~1 MPa
Materiál: Cast Iron or Stainless Steel 304/316

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    Upravit obsah

    Cast Iron Electric Operated Knife Gate Valves

    Note: Hard seal only

    Aplikace: Suitable for water treatment, paper-making, power industry, chemical industry, iron and steel industry, mining, food processing, petroleum, etc.

    There are two types of flameproof products: dⅠ and dⅡBT4.

    dⅠ: Suitable for non-excavating work areas in coal mines. These products are specifically designed and certified to operate safely in coal mines, where there is a risk of gas or coal dust explosions.
    dⅡBT4: Used for factory and outdoor environments. These products are designed for industrial settings without flammable, explosive, or corrosive substances and can handle explosive gas mixtures from groups T1 to T4 of Class ⅡA and ⅡB.
    Suitable Medium: These valves are compatible with pulp, sewage, slurry, coal, ash, slag-water mixtures, and gas.

    Technical Parameters of Valve Body:

    Těleso ventilu Součásti ventilů
    Nominální velikost DN50-DN600 Těsnicí materiál PTFE,NBR,EPDM,VITON
    Materiál těla Litina Materiál disku SS304
    Koncové připojení Příruba Materiál dříku Cast iron, WCB
    Provozní tlak 1.0 / 1.6 / 2.0 / 2.5 MPa Použitelná média Water, Air, Gas, Oil, Liquid
    Struktura Midline structure/A-Type Designový standard ANSI, JIS, DIN, BS, GB
    Explosionproof Type Actuator
    Explosionproof Type
    Regulation Type Actuator
    Regulation Type
    Ordinary Type Actuator
    Ordinary Type
    On-off Type Actuator
    On-off Type

    Parameters of Multi-turn Electric Actuator:

    Napájení conventional: single phase 220v, three phase 380v Součásti ventilů
    special: three phase 400v, 415v, 660v(50Hz, 60Hz) Těsnicí materiál PTFE,NBR,EPDM,VITON
    Pracovní prostředí Okolní teplota: -20 ~ + 60 ℃ (speciální teplotní prostředí lze přizpůsobit) Materiál disku SS304
    Relativní vlhkost: 95% (při 25 °C) Materiál dříku Cast iron, WCB
    Úroveň ochrany Venkovní typ a typ odolný proti výbuchu mají IP55 (na zvláštní objednávku lze dodat IP65, IP67, IP68). Použitelná média Water, Air, Gas, Oil, Liquid
    Pracovní systém short time 10 minutes (15-60 minutes for special order) Designový standard ANSI, JIS, DIN, BS, GB

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