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  5. DELCO Carbon Steel Multi Turn Electric Flange Butterfly Valve

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DELCO Carbon Steel Multi Turn Electric Flange Butterfly Valve

The multi-turn electric actuator for cast iron butterfly valves is an essential device used to operate, close, or adjust valves. It serves as a key mechanism that allows for remote, centralized, or autonomous control of valves. Known for its versatility and reliability, this actuator features an advanced control system, compact design, lightweight build, and is user-friendly in terms of application and maintenance.

Model: Multi Turn Electric butterfly valves
Rozsah velikostí: 2” to 40”
Rozsah tlaku: 1,6-6,4 MPa
Materiál: Carbon Steel / Stainless steel / Cast Iron

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    Upravit obsah

    DELCO Multi Turn Electric Flange Butterfly Valve

    The multi-turn electric actuator for cast iron butterfly valves is a vital component for valve operation, closure, and adjustment. It functions as a crucial mechanism, enabling remote, centralized, or automated control of valves. Praised for its adaptability and dependability, this actuator incorporates an advanced control system and is designed to be compact and lightweight, making it easy to install and maintain.

    Technické parametry pohonu ventilu

    Napájenígeneral: single-phase 220v, three-phase 380v(50Hz), long distance DC24V
    special: single-phase 110v, three-phase 415v, 660v(50Hz, 60Hz)
    Pracovní prostředíOkolní teplota: -20 ~ + 60 ℃ (speciální teplotní prostředí lze přizpůsobit)
    Relativní vlhkost: 95% (při 25 °C)
    The outdoor type can be used in the places without inflammable / explosive and corrosive medium
    d Iapplicable to non-excavating workinarea for coal mine
    d I BT4applicable to the environment with IIA , IIB grade TL-T4explosive gas mixture , can be used in the factory
    Úroveň ochranyOutdoor type and explosion-proof type are IP55 (IP65, IP67)
    Working timeshort time 10 minutes (15-60 minutes for special order)

    multi-turn valve electric actuator Connection size

    Elektrický víceotáčkový pohon
    elektrický pohon víceotáčkového ventilu

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