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DELCO Pneumatic Food Grade Sanitary Tri-clamp Angle Seat Valves

The Stainless Steel Food Grade Sanitary Tri-Clamp Úhlové sedlové ventily is operated by a pilot medium, typically compressed air, but can also use oil or water. This valve is equipped with a pneumatic actuator controlled by a three-way solenoid valve. The pressure of the pilot medium enters the actuator cylinder and acts on the piston, which moves the stem to open or close the seal. The seal returns to its resting position via a return spring located within the pneumatic actuator.

Model: Sanitary Tri-Clamp Angle Seat Valve
Rozsah velikostí: 1/2”~2-1/2”
Rozsah tlaku: 0~1.6 MPa
Materiál: Nerezová ocel 304/316

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    DELCO Pneumatic Sanitary Tri-clamp Angle Seat Valves

    The DELCO pneumatic piston angle seat valve offers clear valve position display and features an external pneumatic pilot for increased service life and maintenance-free operation. Its self-adjusting gland enhances sealing, while the angle seat design allows for high flow capacity and quick response.
    Made from stainless steel and PTFE, it suits various gases, liquids, steam, and corrosive environments. A radiator protects the actuator, ensuring longevity. Available in single-acting and double-acting models, the single-acting uses a spring return mechanism, while the double-acting model is air-controlled. Customizable options are available for precise control.

    Mezi hlavní funkce patří:

    • Clear valve position display
    • Maintenance-free with enhanced service life
    • Improved sealing with self-adjusting gland
    • High flow capacity with angle seat design
    • Compact and quick response
    • Durable stainless steel and PTFE construction
    • Suitable for various environments
    • Actuator protection with radiator
    • Single-acting and double-acting models
    • Customizable control options

    Technické parametry tělesa ventilu

    Materiál aktuátoru Nerezová ocel nebo polyamidPA Materiál karoserie SS304, 316, 316L
    Materiál sedadla PTFE, F46 Materiál dříku SS304, 316, 316L
    Okolní teplota -30℃~180℃ Tlak 0 ~ 1,6 MPa
    Typ připojení Clamp,flange, thread, welding,  Typ kontroly Jednočinný, dvojčinný
    Použitelné médium Voda, zemní plyn nebo kapalný alkohol, olej, organické rozpouštědlo, pára Volitelné příslušenství Elektromagnetický ventil, koncový spínač, polohovadlo atd.

    Sanitary Angle Seat Valves

    seat valve
    angle seat valve
    Velikostmm A  E
    40∅ 6319064.021018076
    80∅ 100255106.0342290114

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      DELCO VALVE Factory Show