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DELCO Stainless Steel Multi Turn Electric Actuator Gate Valves

The Z-type multi-turn Electric valves is essential for opening, closing, or adjusting valves. It supports remote, centralized, and self-control functionalities. This actuator features comprehensive functions, reliable performance, an advanced control system, compact size, lightweight design, and easy application and maintenance. It is suitable for valves with straight-line movement such as gate valves, stop valves, diaphragm valves, anchor gates, and water gate valves.

Model: Multi Turn Electric Gate Valves
Rozsah velikostí: 2" až 40"
Rozsah tlaku: 1,6-6,4 MPa
Materiál: Nerezová ocel 304/316 nebo litina

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    Upravit obsah

    Multi Turn Electric Actuator Gate Valves

    Multi-turn electric actuators find significant applications across industries such as electric power, metallurgy, petroleum, chemical engineering, paper-making, and sewage disposal. These actuators are crucial components for controlling gate valves, ensuring efficient operation of various industrial processes.

    Applications in Different Industries

    • Electric Power: Regulating water and steam flows in power plants to maintain efficiency and safety.
    • Metallurgy: Controlling the flow of metals and gases in metallurgical processes for optimal conditions.
    • Petroleum: Precisely managing crude oil and natural gas flows in refineries and pipelines for safe and efficient processing.
    • Chemical Engineering: Handling chemical flows to maintain process integrity and safety in chemical plants.
    • Paper-Making: Regulating the flow of liquids and chemicals for consistent quality in paper production.
    • Sewage Disposal: Managing wastewater flow for effective treatment and disposal in sewage treatment facilities.

    Types of Multi-Turn Electric Actuators

    Multi-turn electric actuators are available in various types to suit different environments and operational needs:

    • Outdoor Type: Designed to withstand outdoor conditions.
    • Explosion-Proof Type: Built to prevent ignition of explosive gases in hazardous environments.
    • Integral Type: Compact design suitable for limited space applications.
    • Integral-Regulation Type: Includes control functionality for precise adjustments.
    • Integral Explosion-Proof Type: Combines compact design with explosion-proof features.
    • Integral-Regulation Explosion-Proof Type: Provides control and explosion-proof capabilities for precise control in hazardous environments.

    Technické parametry víceotáčkového aktuátoru

    Napájení general: single-phase 220v, three-phase 380v(50Hz), long distance DC24V
    special: single-phase 110v, three-phase 415v, 660v(50Hz, 60Hz)
    Pracovní prostředí Okolní teplota: -20 ~ + 60 ℃ (speciální teplotní prostředí lze přizpůsobit)
    Relativní vlhkost: 95% (při 25 °C)
    The outdoor type can be used in the places without inflammable / explosive and corrosive medium
    d I applicable to non-excavating workinarea for coal mine
    d I BT4 applicable to the environment with IIA , IIB grade TL-T4explosive gas mixture , can be used in the factory
    Úroveň ochrany Outdoor type and explosion-proof type are IP55 (IP65, IP67)
    Working time short time 10 minutes (15-60 minutes for special order)

    Multi-turn valve electric actuator connection size

    Elektrický víceotáčkový pohon
    elektrický pohon víceotáčkového ventilu

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