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  5. Přímo působící membrána DELCO 2cestný nevýbušný mosazný normálně uzavřený solenoidový ventil

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Přímo působící membrána DELCO 2cestný nevýbušný mosazný normálně uzavřený solenoidový ventil

It can be used for transporting flammable and explosive media as well as pipeline media transportation in areas with explosive hazards,can work safely and reliably in flammable and explosive environments, with good sealing performance to ensure that the medium does not leak, can resist the corrosion of the medium, and extend its service life.

Model: EX2W
Rozsah velikostí:  3/8″ to 2″
Rozsah tlaku: 0 až 1,0 MPa
Materiál:  Mosaz, Nerezová ocel 304/316


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    Úvod k membránovým solenoidovým ventilům:

    The solenoid valve is designed for low voltage systems, capable of opening from 0 bar and accommodating high flow rates

    It can directly lift diaphragm construction

    The electromagnetic coil material is not easy to burn and has good sealing performance, which can be used in the natural gas and liquefied petroleum gas industries

    Technické parametry:

    ● Convenience :It can  be opened from 0 bar with large flow rate in the low-pressure system 

    ● Safety:The coil material is not easily combustible and has good sealing performance and design in accordance with relevant explosion-proof standards and requirements to ensure safe and reliable operation in flammable and explosive environments

    ● Durability: Featuring a reliable opening and closing structure, the product adopts a flat diaphragm design, effectively extend the life cycle up to 10,000 times

    Direct-acting diaphragm solenoid Applications:

    The versatility and autonomy of direct-acting  explosion-proof  diaphragm solenoid  make them indispensable in a variety of applications across different industries. Some common applications include:

      • Normal temperature and pressure:A diaphragm solenoid valve designed for a variety of normal temperature and pressure applications, and It can also be opened at 0 pressure ,suitable for automatic control of pipelines with water, liquid, or gas as the mediu

      • Řízení automatizace:It is the preferred product for automation control engineering, project transformation, and equipment applications, widely used in Food & Beverage, Water & Wastewater,Chemical, Textile, Ultra Pure Water, Desalination, Pharmaceutical, Pulp & Paper, Mining,Boiler and Power Industries and various other industries

    TypBrass solenoid valve Jmenovitý průměrDN10-DN50
    Jmenovitý tlak0~1.0MPaMateriálStainless Steel Solenoid Valve
    StrukturaDiaphragmPodpora na míruOEM
    Záruka 12 mothsTěsnicí materiálNBR, EPDM, FKM , PTFE
    Teplota médiat<80 °CNapětí cívky12V Solenoid Valve

    The versatility and autonomy of elektromagnetický ventil  učinit je nepostradatelnými v řadě aplikací v různých průmyslových odvětvích. Některé běžné aplikace zahrnují:

      • Applicable Place:Normally closed explosion-proof solenoid valves constitute a specialized line of solenoid valve products engineered specifically for transporting flammable and explosive substances or for deployment in hazardous surroundings. Their primary application lies within the transmission networks of flammable and explosive substances, encompassing natural gas, coal gas, biogas, gas equipment, and liquefied petroleum gas. The choice of solenoid valves with varying explosion-proof ratings becomes imperative to suit diverse environmental conditions and fluid compositions

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