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Types of Valves Used in Water Treatment: A Comprehensive Guide

One of the key pieces of equipment in a water treatment system is the valve, which controls the flow, pressure and direction of water in a water treatment system. In this article, Ventil DELCO will discuss the types of valves commonly used in water treatment and their functions.

Ventil DELCO

Common Types of Valves in Water Treatment


Most types of gate valves can simply be thought of as sluice valves or control valves, used for water supply. Gate valves are used to start or stop the flow of a liquid (or steam/gas) through a pipeline, and can completely shut off and isolate the section when necessary.

Motýlové klapky

The main function of butterfly valve is to control the flow and pressure of the fluid medium, the principle of its role is to change the valve opening to regulate the flow and pressure of the medium.

Kulové ventily

Ball valve in the pipeline is mainly used to do cut off, distribution and change the direction of flow of the medium, it only needs to use the operation of rotating 90 degrees and a very small turning torque can be closed tightly.

Zpětné ventily

Check valves can be mainly divided into swing check valves and lift check valves. Their role is to allow the medium to flow in one direction only, and to prevent the flow in the opposite direction.

Kulové ventily

Globe valves are installed in systems to help control the flow of liquids. Globe valves only work when the flow of liquid is unidirectional, but they are very effective at regulating the amount and pressure of liquid. Globe valves are characterized by the rounded shape of the valve body and a round plug core attached to the stem and handle that can be twisted up or down to insert or exit the valve seat. When the plug core is in the seat, flow stops completely. When removed, flow is maximized. When the plug is in the center position, flow is controlled.


Understanding the types of valves used in water treatment is essential for designing and maintaining efficient systems. Whether you’re working on a small-scale filtration system or a large municipal treatment plant, choosing the right valves ensures optimal performance and longevity.

For more information on water treatment valves or to explore our product range, contact us today!

O společnosti DELCO Valve

DELCO Valve je špičková značka specializující se na vysoce kvalitní řešení ventilů. Mezi naše hlavní produkty patří široký sortiment regulačních ventilů, motorizovaných ventilů, pneumatických ventilů, solenoidových ventilů, ručních ventilů, pohonů a ventilových armatur. Jsme odhodláni nabízet zákazníkům spolehlivé a účinné ventilové produkty pro různé průmyslové a komerční použití.
