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  5. DELCO Pilot Type Diaphragm Brass Gas Solenoid Valve

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DELCO Pilot Type Diaphragm Brass Gas Solenoid Valve

The solenoid valve is made of brass or stainless steel, has a 2/2 circuit configuration, operates at 24VDC, and has a minimum of 1/2 inch internal thread connection.
It is normally closed with a default NBR valve seat, suitable for various fluids such as air, water, light oil, fuel, solvents, alcohol, and many acids. Adopting a protective diaphragm structure design, the service life is extended by two times. An optional EPDM rubber valve seat is available

Modelo: DK07
Rango de tallas: 1/2″~2″
Rango de presión: 0.03-1.6Mpa
Material:  Latón, acero inoxidable 304/316


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    Introduction to diaphragm solenoid valves:

    If there is a pressure difference before and after the valve, it is recommended to use a pilot operated solenoid valve with a large diameter
    With a high upper limit on fluid pressure range, the valve can be installed in any orientation to meet the conditions of fluid pressure differential (customization required)

    Parámetros técnicos:

    Applicable media: water, hot water, hot water, liquid, gas, oil, gas, etc
    Pilot-operated diaphragm solenoid valve, starts operating from 0.3 bar in the pressure system. It can handle a maximum pressure of 16 bar. It operates with low power consumption over extended periods. It can be manufactured with either brass or stainless steel valve body materials

    ● Energy conservation:Adopting a leading diaphragm structure to improve energy efficiency.
    ● Durability: Adopting a protective diaphragm structure design to double its service life.
    ● Flexibility: It can be installed at any angle of the pipeline, but with the coil facing upwards, it has the best durability when installed horizontally.

     Aplicaciones del solenoide de diafragma de acción directa:

    TipoVálvula solenoide Diámetro nominal1/2″~2″
    Presión nominal0.03-1.6MpaConexiónG Thread, NPT Thread
    EstructuraDiafragmaSoporte personalizadoFabricante de equipos originales (OEM)
    Garantía 12 polillasMaterial de selladoNBR, EPDM, FKM, PTFE
    Medios de comunicaciónPetróleo, aire, gas, líquidoVoltaje de la bobinaDC12~24V (±10%), AC110~230V

    La versatilidad y autonomía de las electroválvulas de diafragma tipo piloto las hacen indispensables en una variedad de aplicaciones en diferentes industrias. Algunas aplicaciones comunes incluyen:

      • Temperatura y presión normales:A diaphragm solenoid valve designed for a variety of normal temperature and pressure applications, and It can also be opened at 0.3 pressure ,suitable for automatic control of pipelines with Liquid, water, hot water, gas, oil, gas, etc as the mediu

      • Ingeniería de control de automatización: It is widely used in various industrial automation control systems, including food, chemical, pharmaceutical, water treatment, textile, metallurgy and other fields


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