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      DELCO Valve предлагает различные оптимальные решения для промышленной арматуры, особенно для регулирующих клапанов.

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      5. Клапаны из литой стали и клапаны из чугуна: разница, преимущества и недостатки Введение


      Клапан DELCO Электрический дроссельный клапан Электрические приводы Заслонки клапан с электроприводом Заслонка Электрогидравлический привод Регулирующий клапан Ручной клапан 3PC Электрические клапаны Керамический двойной затвор Электроприводной дроссельный клапан Чугунный клапан Регулирующие клапаны Электрические поворотные затворы Шаровые краны с электрической резьбой Электрический трехкомпонентный шаровой кран с резьбой Клапаны DELCO Электрический клапан Керамические двухстворчатые клапаны 3PC ручной шаровой кран Электрические трехкомпонентные шаровые краны с резьбой Клапан из литой стали Электромагнитные клапаны DELCO Чугунные клапаны Шаровой клапан Электрический привод Двухэксцентриковый поворотный клапан Электрические шаровые краны Производитель регулирующих клапанов Электрогидравлические приводы Электрический шаровой кран Обратные клапаны Привод Клапаны из литой стали Взрывозащищенные электрические шаровые краны Взрывозащищенный электрический клапан ДЕЛЬКО Электроприводные поворотные затворы Электромагнитные клапаны прямого действия Шаровые краны Электромагнитный клапан DELCO Электрический резьбовой шаровой кран Взрывозащищенный электрический шаровой кран Электромагнитный клапан прямого действия

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        Клапаны из литой стали и клапаны из чугуна: разница, преимущества и недостатки Введение

        Cast steel valves and cast iron valves are two common types of valve materials, so what is the difference between cast steel valves and cast iron valves? This article by Клапан DELCO for you to introduce these two different types of valves, to help you choose a more appropriate valve according to specific needs.

        Клапаны из литой стали
        Cast iron valve

        What is a cast steel valve

        Cast steel valves are one of the many types of valves, manufactured from cast steel (carbon steel). Cast steel valves applicable temperature ≤ 425 ℃, applicable media: water, oil, natural gas, etc.. Commonly used cast steel valve series products are: cast steel ball valves, cast steel gate valves, cast steel butterfly valves, cast steel check valves, cast steel globe valves, cast steel filters and so on. These valves can withstand high pressure and high temperature environment, very suitable for use in petroleum, chemical, electric power and other heavy industries. At the same time, cast steel has excellent corrosion and oxidation resistance and is suitable for handling corrosive or oxidizing fluids.

        Cast steel valve advantages

        • Can withstand high pressure and high temperature.
        • Good corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance.
        • High structural strength and good wear resistance.

        Cast steel valves disadvantages

        • Higher cost compared to cast iron valves.
        • Requires more complex manufacturing process.

        What is a cast iron valve

        Cast iron valves are made of cast iron, and cast iron valves can be subdivided into: gray cast iron valves, ductile iron valves and nickel cast iron valves. Cast iron valves offer excellent pressure resistance and are an economical, durable valve option. These valves are commonly used in low-pressure environments such as water treatment, water supply and drainage systems, where the pressure and temperature requirements of the valve are not very high. Cast iron valves are relatively inexpensive, but may not perform as well as cast steel valves in high temperature and high pressure environments.

        Cast iron valve advantages

        • Lower cost and relatively simple manufacturing process.
        • Good pressure resistance performance.

        Cast iron valves disadvantages

        • May not perform as well as cast steel valves in high pressure and high temperature environments.
        • Less resistant to corrosive and oxidizing fluids.

        How to choose cast steel or cast iron valve?

        • Working environment: Consider the environment where the valve, including pressure, temperature and corrosiveness of the environment. High pressure, high temperature, high corrosive environment is more suitable for the use of cast steel valves.
        • Fluid type: Consider the characteristics of the fluid, such as corrosion, oxidation and temperature. Cast steel valves are more advantageous for handling corrosive, oxidizing fluids.
        • Economy: Consider the total cost of the valve, including purchase cost, installation cost and maintenance costs. If the budget is limited and the application conditions allow, then cast iron valves may be a more economical choice.
        • Life and Maintenance: Cast steel valves typically have a longer service life, and performance in high pressure and high temperature environments.

        How to get a quick quote for industrial valves?

        If you have questions about valves or want to get a quote, please feel free to contact us, we will reply within 6 hours. Phone +86 159 8960 2972, WhatsApp +86 159 8960 2972 or email marketing [email protected].
