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    Регулирующие клапаны Заслонка Ручной клапан 3PC Шаровые краны с электрической резьбой Cast Iron Valve Electric Actuated Butterfly Valves 3PC ручной шаровой кран Direct Acting Solenoid Valves Control Valve Manufacturer Электрические шаровые краны Электрический привод Электрогидравлический привод Cast Steel Valves Клапан DELCO electric actuated valve Электрический шаровой кран Шаровой клапан Взрывозащищенный клапан Клапаны DELCO Electric Actuated Butterfly Valve Электромагнитный клапан прямого действия Электрический трехкомпонентный шаровой кран с резьбой Двухэксцентриковый поворотный клапан Регулирующий клапан Керамический двойной затвор Электрические трехкомпонентные шаровые краны с резьбой Cast Iron Valves Электромагнитный клапан DELCO Обратные клапаны Электромагнитные клапаны DELCO Взрывозащищенные электрические шаровые краны Заслонки Электрические клапаны Привод Cast Steel Valve Электрические приводы Электрический резьбовой шаровой кран Электрогидравлические приводы Шаровые краны Electric Butterfly Valves Электрический клапан Electric Butterfly Valve Взрывозащищенный электрический клапан Керамические двухстворчатые клапаны Взрывозащищенный электрический шаровой кран

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      Direct Acting Solenoid Valve: Features and Applications

      Direct-acting solenoid valve is an industrial device that uses electromagnetic force to directly drive the valve core movement. It is widely used in many industries. Let’s explore the characteristics and applications of direct-acting solenoid valves.

      What is a direct acting solenoid valve?

      Direct-acting solenoid valve is a kind of industrial equipment that uses electromagnetic force to directly drive the spool to move, thus controlling the valve to open and close. Its working principle is when the coil is energized, direct-acting solenoid valve, when energized, the electromagnetic coil generates electromagnetic force to lift the closing member from the valve seat, the valve opens; when the power is off, the electromagnetic force disappears, and the spring presses the closing member to the valve seat, the valve closes.

      Features of direct acting solenoid valve

      • Compact and lightweight design: Direct-acting solenoid valves are typically simple in design and small in size, making them easy to install and maintain.
      • Fast response time: These valves are able to respond quickly, making them ideal for applications that require fast startup and precise flow control.
      • Reliable operation: Direct-acting solenoid valves are not prone to clogging or other types of obstruction issues.
      • Low power consumption: Direct-acting solenoid valves typically consume less power because they do not require a pressure differential to operate directly.
      • Limited pressure resistance: It is important to note that direct-acting solenoid valves are generally suitable for low-pressure applications only. Due to design limitations, they may not be suitable for high-pressure systems.
      • Limited flow capacity: These valves have limited flow capacity, and they are suitable for applications that require relatively low flow rates. Use in high-flow applications may result in inefficiencies or poor function.

      Applications of direct acting solenoid valve

      Direct-acting solenoid valves are widely used in kiln equipment, drying equipment, petrochemical, biopharmaceutical, heating, ventilation and air conditioning, plating and coating, rubber and plastic machinery, food and beverage, paper, printing and dyeing, and electric power mining and other industries, automation control engineering, project transformation and equipment supporting the first product.

      DELCO Custom Valve Solutions

      DELCO has the expertise to provide custom valve solutions to meet your exact application requirements. We have nearly 20 years of experience in producing fluid handling and valve product systems. DELCO Valve offers a wide range of product lines including electric actuators, pneumatic actuators and solenoid valves. We use our expertise to meet challenges in various industries including food, beverage, chemical, water treatment, pharmaceutical, gas, oil and HVAC. Browse our solenoid valve products and contact us to request more information.
