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    5. Electric Butterfly Valve And Pneumatic Butterfly Valve: Key Distinctions



    Взрывозащищенный клапан Заслонка Электромагнитный клапан прямого действия Cast Steel Valves Привод Керамический двойной затвор Электрические трехкомпонентные шаровые краны с резьбой Cast Steel Valve Взрывозащищенные электрические шаровые краны Обратные клапаны Электрические шаровые краны Electric Butterfly Valves Control Valve Manufacturer Электрический резьбовой шаровой кран Регулирующие клапаны Шаровой клапан Электромагнитный клапан DELCO Electric Actuated Butterfly Valve Electric Actuated Butterfly Valves Cast Iron Valves Двухэксцентриковый поворотный клапан Регулирующий клапан Взрывозащищенный электрический клапан Электрический шаровой кран Direct Acting Solenoid Valves Электрический трехкомпонентный шаровой кран с резьбой Электрический клапан Заслонки Электрические приводы Взрывозащищенный электрический шаровой кран Электрогидравлический привод Cast Iron Valve electric actuated valve Шаровые краны Электромагнитные клапаны DELCO Электрический привод Клапан DELCO Electric Butterfly Valve Керамические двухстворчатые клапаны Электрогидравлические приводы Шаровые краны с электрической резьбой Электрические клапаны Клапаны DELCO 3PC ручной шаровой кран Ручной клапан 3PC

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      Electric Butterfly Valve And Pneumatic Butterfly Valve: Key Distinctions

      The butterfly valve is famous for its simple design and a quarter of the operation. It has two versions: pneumatic and electric. They have the same basic functions of regulating traffic, so how to choose in the actual industrial process? Let’s talk about the difference between the pneumatic butterfly valve and the electric butterfly valve so that we can make better choices in actual use.


      What is a butterfly valve?

      A butterfly valve is a valve used to separate or regulate the flow of fluids. It operates similar to a ball valve and can be closed quickly. Butterfly valves receive favor because they cost less than other valve designs and are lighter in weight for less support.

      Difference Between Pneumatic Butterfly Valve And Electric Butterfly Valve

      Power source

      Electric butterfly valve: The electric butterfly valve relies on an electric motor to open and close the valve. It can be integrated with a control system for automatic operation.

      Pneumatic butterfly valve: The pneumatic butterfly valve utilizes compressed air to drive a piston or diaphragm to actuate the valve. It requires an external air supply and uses a solenoid control system.

      Control and Precision

      Electric Butterfly Valve: Electric butterfly valve offers more precise control. Modern electric valves can be programmed to set specific open and closed positions, allowing for finer flow regulation.

      Pneumatic Butterfly Valve : Pneumatic butterfly valve has relatively simple control systems, usually limited to open/closed positions. Although some pneumatic valves can provide flow regulation, they are generally not as precise as electric valves.

      Operating speed

      Electric butterfly valve: Because it takes time for the electric motor to reach the desired position, its start-up time is usually slower than that of a pneumatic butterfly valve.

      Pneumatic butterfly valve: Due to the inherent speed and force of compressed air, pneumatic butterfly valves have a faster actuation speed.

      Cost and Maintenance

      Electric butterfly valve: Due to the more complex motor and control system, electric butterfly valves generally have a higher initial cost than pneumatic valves and require more maintenance because the electrical components are more susceptible to wear.

      Pneumatic butterfly valve: Pneumatic butterfly valves generally have a lower initial cost and require less maintenance. However, pneumatic butterfly valves require a compressed air supply, which can increase the cost and complexity of the system.


      Electric butterfly valve: Ideal for applications that require precise flow control, remote monitoring and automation, and operation in non-explosive environments. Including building automation systems, HVAC systems, and chemical processing plants.

      Pneumatic butterfly valve: Ideal for applications that require fast actuation, reduced upfront costs, and operation in potentially explosive environments. Including air compressors, water treatment plants, and oil and gas pipelines.

      Get the Right Valve from DELCO

      Understanding the key differences between the two valves is the beginning of determining which valve you should buy. DELCO is a world-leading valve manufacturer specializing in valve generation and manufacturing with more than 20 years of rich experience. Whether you need an electric butterfly valve or a pneumatic butterfly valve, DELCO can provide customized solutions and professional after-sales support. Feel free to contact us for more product information.
