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        Ball valve is a common fluid control equipment in pipeline systems, according to the different structural forms, the ball valve can be divided into : floating ball valve, fixed ball valve and resilient ball valve. This article by DELCO Valve introduces these three different structures of the ball valve and their respective characteristics and application areas.

        Floating Ball Valves

        Floating ball valve has a floating ball, in the media pressure, the ball can produce a certain displacement and tightly pressed on the sealing surface of the outlet end to ensure that the outlet end of the seal. Floating ball ball valve structure is simple, good sealing, but the ball to withstand the load of the working medium all transferred to the outlet seal, so we should consider whether the sealing ring material can withstand the working load of the ball medium, in the higher pressure impact, the ball may be offset. Generally used for low and medium pressure piping systems.

        Fixed Ball Valves

        Fixed ball valve has a fixed ball, pressure does not produce movement. Fixed ball valves are equipped with a floating seat, which moves after being pressurized by the medium, so that the sealing ring is tightly pressed on the ball to ensure sealing. Fixed ball valves are characterized by low operating torque and high pressure applicability. In addition, modern fixed ball valves often use oil seal design, forming an oil film layer to improve sealing performance and ease of operation, suitable for high pressure and large diameter pipeline systems.

        Resilient Ball Valves

        The ball of resilient ball valve is elastic. Ball and seat seal are made of metal materials, sealing specific pressure is very large, relying on the pressure of the medium itself has not reached the sealing requirements, external force must be applied. This valve is suitable for high temperature and high pressure media.


        Floating ball valves are suitable for low and medium pressure systems due to simple structure and good sealing; fixed ball valves are suitable for high pressure and large diameter conditions due to low operating torque and high sealing performance; resilient ball valves become the first choice for high temperature and high pressure environments by virtue of their metal sealing design. DELCO Valve has a variety of valves with different structures and provides customized services. We specialize in actuated valves and control valves with rich experience of 20 years.

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