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    DELCO Valve предлагает различные оптимальные решения для промышленной арматуры, особенно для регулирующих клапанов.

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    Регулирующие клапаны Привод Электрический резьбовой шаровой кран Электромагнитные клапаны DELCO Электромагнитный клапан прямого действия Электромагнитный клапан DELCO Электрические шаровые краны Обратные клапаны Взрывозащищенный электрический клапан electric actuated valve Заслонки Control Valve Manufacturer Двухэксцентриковый поворотный клапан Cast Steel Valve Электрический трехкомпонентный шаровой кран с резьбой Электрический клапан Клапан DELCO Электрические приводы Заслонка Электрический шаровой кран Взрывозащищенный клапан Керамические двухстворчатые клапаны Cast Iron Valve Шаровые краны Ручной клапан 3PC Шаровой клапан Electric Butterfly Valve Клапаны DELCO Electric Butterfly Valves Шаровые краны с электрической резьбой Cast Iron Valves Direct Acting Solenoid Valves Регулирующий клапан Electric Actuated Butterfly Valve Электрогидравлический привод Electric Actuated Butterfly Valves Керамический двойной затвор Cast Steel Valves 3PC ручной шаровой кран Взрывозащищенные электрические шаровые краны Электрические трехкомпонентные шаровые краны с резьбой Электрические клапаны Взрывозащищенный электрический шаровой кран Электрогидравлические приводы Электрический привод

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      Types of Manual Valves

      DELCO has a wide range of ручные клапаны including ball valves, butterfly valves, globe valves, and gate valves, customized to meet a variety of industrial needs. Let’s take a look at DELCO‘s different types of manual valves.

      Manual Valves Types

      What are manual valves?

      Manual valves with the help of handwheels, handles, levers, sprockets, by manpower to manipulate the valve action. When the valve opening and closing torque is large, this wheel or worm gear reducer can be set between the handwheel and the valve stem. If necessary, universal joints and drive shafts can also be used for remote operation.

      Types of manual valves

      Шаровые краныA ball valve is a flow control device that uses a hollow, perforated and rotatable ball to control the flow of fluid through it. The ball valve opens when the hole in the center of the ball is in line with the fluid inlet, and closes when the ball valve is rotated 90 degrees by the valve handle, thus stopping the flow of fluid. By looking at the orientation of the wrench handle, one can easily visualize whether the valve is open or closed, because if the angle of the handle is parallel to the direction of flow, the flow is open.

      ЗаслонкиThe closing mechanism of the butterfly valve is a rotating disk. Operation is similar to that of a ball valve, allowing for rapid closure. Butterfly valves are often preferred because they cost less than other valve designs and are lighter in weight, thus requiring less support. The valve flap is located in the center of the pipe. A stem passes through the flap to an actuator on the outside of the valve. Rotating the actuator allows the valve flap to flow parallel or perpendicular to the fluid flow. Unlike ball valves, the flap is always present in the fluid and therefore causes a pressure drop even when open.

      Шаровые клапаныA globe valve is named for its spherical body, the two halves of which are separated by an internal baffle. The baffle has an opening that forms a seat into which a removable valve plug can be screwed to close (or shut) the valve. The valve plug is also known as the valve flap. In a globe valve, the valve plug is attached to the stem, which is operated by a screw action through a handwheel in a manual valve.

      ЗадвижкиGate valves are constructed to control flow by raising or lowering the spool. One reason gate valves are not typically used to regulate flow is that the spool can be damaged in the partially open position. Likewise, they limit the pressure drop across the valve when fully open. However, setting the valve to the fully open or closed position requires multiple turns of the handle, which typically makes gate valves take longer to operate.


      As the industry has evolved, DELCO has remained steadfast in its commitment to providing top-of-the-line manual valves that redefine the standard of fluid control. From the quick shutoff of a butterfly valve to the precise adjustment of a globe valve, every product reflects DELCO‘s relentless pursuit of quality and performance. DELCO manual valves combine reliability, efficiency and durability to ensure the best fluid management solutions for industries worldwide.
