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      5. Understanding Electric Ball Valves: A Comprehensive Guide for Industrial Applications


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        Understanding Electric Ball Valves: A Comprehensive Guide for Industrial Applications

        Electric ball valves are one of the most important devices in industrial fluid control systems. In this article, Клапан DELCO will share what electric ball valves are, how they work, and their advantages and applications.

        Comprehensive Guide of Electric Ball Valves
        Electric Ball Valve in Industrial Application

        What is an Electric Ball Valve?

        Electric ball valves consist of two parts: an electric actuator and a ball valve. Driven by the electric actuator, the valve opens and closes, thus controlling the flow of media in the pipeline or cutting off. Unlike manual valves, electric ball valves can be automated, making them ideal for systems that require remote or precise control.

        How Do Electric Ball Valves Work?

        When the electric motor of the electric ball valve is started, the output shaft of the motor drives the spool to rotate through the gear reducer, thus controlling the flow of fluid. When the motor output torque is transmitted to the spool, the spool starts to rotate. In the process of rotation, the spool’s ball shape matches the spherical hole of the valve body, which can be rotated to control the on-off of the fluid. When the spool is rotated to exactly coincide with the aperture of the valve body, the fluid can pass freely; when the spool is rotated to mismatch the aperture, the aperture is blocked and the fluid cannot pass.

        Key Benefits of Electric Ball Valves:

        • Automation: Electric ball valves can be integrated into automated systems, reducing the need for manual intervention.
        • Precision: They offer precise control over flow rates, which is crucial in industries like pharmaceuticals and food processing.
        • Durability: Made from robust materials, electric ball valves are built to withstand harsh industrial environments.
        • Energy Efficiency: They consume less energy compared to other types of valves, making them a cost-effective solution.

        Applications of Electric Ball Valves:

        • Очистка воды: Electric ball valves are used to control the flow of water in treatment plants.
        • Системы отопления, вентиляции и кондиционирования воздуха: They help regulate the flow of coolant in heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems.
        • Oil and Gas: In the oil and gas industry, these valves are used to manage the flow of crude oil and natural gas.
        • Food and Beverage: Electric ball valves ensure precise control in the production of food and beverages.


        Electric ball valves are an important part of your fluid control system. By understanding their features and benefits, you can make informed decisions for your industrial applications.

        О компании DELCO Valve

        DELCO Valve — это ведущий бренд, специализирующийся на высококачественных решениях в области клапанов. Наша основная продукция включает в себя широкий ассортимент регулирующих клапанов, моторизованных клапанов, пневматических клапанов, соленоидных клапанов, ручных клапанов, приводов и арматуры для клапанов. Мы стремимся предлагать клиентам надежные и эффективные клапанные изделия для различных промышленных и коммерческих целей.
