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  5. DELCO 不銹鋼三通氣動法蘭球閥


DELCO 不銹鋼三通氣動法蘭球閥

The DELCO DK66-TF pneumatic flange ball valves offers versatile port configurations, available in 2-way, 3-way, or 4-way setups. While the default standard is GB, it also accommodates ANSI and API 6D standards. The valve comes with a standard double-acting control mode, with an option for single-acting. Constructed from either 304 or 316 stainless steel, it operates within an input air pressure range of 2.5 to 8 bar.

Featuring a minimum 1/2 inch flanged connection and a default PTFE seat, the DK66-TF is resistant to nearly all fluids. This robust valve is designed to withstand higher operating pressures and temperatures, making it suitable for demanding applications.

型號: DK66-TF
尺寸範圍: 1/2″ to 6″
壓力範圍: 1.6 to 6.4MPa
材質: Stainless Steel 304/316,WCB




    DELCO Pneumatic 3 Way Flange Ball Valve

    The DELCO DK66-TF pneumatic flange ball valve stands out for its robust features, promising a prolonged service life, eco-conscious operation, and hassle-free installation. With both spring return (single acting) and double-acting actuators, it offers adaptability to varying control needs. Moreover, its valve type versatility encompasses 2-way, 3-way, and 4-way configurations, available in both T type and L type designs.
    Aligned with industry standards such as GB, ANSI, JIS, and DIN, this valve ensures seamless integration across diverse applications and regions. Featuring a flange end connection type, it demonstrates remarkable fluid handling capabilities, catering to a wide spectrum of media including water, oil, air, and gas. This combination of durability, flexibility, and compatibility positions the DK66-TF as a dependable choice for a myriad of industrial scenarios.




    身體 閥門組件
    尺寸範圍 DN15~DN150 密封材料 聚四氟乙烯、對苯二甲酸乙二酯
    閥體材質 不銹鋼 核心材質 不銹鋼
    End conection 法蘭 閥桿材質 不銹鋼
    工作壓力 1.6, 6.4 MPa 適用媒體 Water, oil, Gas, Liquid, steam, powder, anti-corrosive base
    結構 浮球核心

    氣源處理器: 兼有過濾、減壓、潤滑功能,確保出口壓力穩定。提供兩件式組件用於過濾壓縮儀表空氣,以及三件式配置用於增加潤滑。

    氣動電磁閥: 根據電壓訊號,透過磁化和消磁來調節氣動閥門的開啟和關閉,以引導氣體流動。對閥門操作進行精確控制,常用於管理氣源和迴路流量。

    限位開關: 偵測閥門狀態並輸出開啟或關閉位置的訊號。在自動控制系統中至關重要,確認和執行後續程序,提供閥門聯鎖保護,並指示系統內的遠端警報。

    閥門定位器: 對於氣動控制閥中閥門定位的精確控制至關重要,比較閥桿位移和控制器輸出訊號,相應地調整致動器輸出訊號。

    手動裝置: 補充氣動執行器組件,方便 90° 開口的蝶閥和球閥的手動或氣動操作。確保閥門操作的多功能性和靈活性,允許根據需要進行手動和自動控制。


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