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  5. DELCO耐腐蝕襯氟氣動球閥



corrosion-resistant fluorine-lined ball valve is designed to control the flow in pipelines with strong corrosive media. Featuring a flange type design, its cavity and ball are lined with corrosion-resistant polypropylene through high-pressure injection molding, ensuring excellent sealing and durability.

This valve is widely used in chemical, petroleum, metallurgy, and pharmaceutical industries, particularly for handling acids and alkalis. It is especially effective in water treatment processes, making it an ideal choice for anticorrosive valve applications.

型號: DK66-CF
尺寸範圍: 1/2″ to 4″
壓力範圍: 1.6MPa至6.4MPa
材質: Cast Iron




    DELCO DK66-CF Flange Pneumatic fluorine Ball Valves

    The valve is compact and reliable, making it easy to operate. Its simple structure allows for convenient maintenance.
    The actuator is hard oxidized, providing a longer service life. The valve features bidirectional sealing, allowing for medium flow in any direction.
    With excellent corrosion resistance and sealing performance, it is a new type of valve that supports automatic control and can be operated remotely and intelligently.



    結構Rack and pinion pneumatic valve actuator
    MountingISO5211, NAMUR, DIN3337
    Air Supply Pressure2.5 to 8 bar
    Double Acting Type Air to open, air to close, air supply failure to keep the current position. Torque range from 8Nm to 4678Nm 
    Single Acting (Spring Return)Air to open, interrupt air to close, air failure to close. Torque range from 5Nm to 2792Nm
    Optional AccessoryPositioner, Litmit Switch, F.R.L, Pneumatic Solenoid Valve, Gearbox


    Pneumatic Actuator Valves
    身體 閥門組件
    尺寸範圍 DN15~DN100 密封材料 聚四氟乙烯、對苯二甲酸乙二酯
    閥體材質 Cast Iron 核心材質 不銹鋼
    End conection 法蘭 閥桿材質 不銹鋼
    工作壓力 1.6, 2.5, 4.0, 6.4MPa 適用媒體 Water, oil, Gas, Liquid, steam, powder, anti-corrosive base
    結構 浮球核心

    氣源處理器: 兼有過濾、減壓、潤滑功能,確保出口壓力穩定。提供兩件式組件用於過濾壓縮儀表空氣,以及三件式配置用於增加潤滑。

    氣動電磁閥: 根據電壓訊號,透過磁化和消磁來調節氣動閥門的開啟和關閉,以引導氣體流動。對閥門操作進行精確控制,常用於管理氣源和迴路流量。

    限位開關: 偵測閥門狀態並輸出開啟或關閉位置的訊號。在自動控制系統中至關重要,確認和執行後續程序,提供閥門聯鎖保護,並指示系統內的遠端警報。

    閥門定位器: 對於氣動控制閥中閥門定位的精確控制至關重要,比較閥桿位移和控制器輸出訊號,相應地調整致動器輸出訊號。

    手動裝置: 補充氣動執行器組件,方便 90° 開口的蝶閥和球閥的手動或氣動操作。確保閥門操作的多功能性和靈活性,允許根據需要進行手動和自動控制。


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