Multi-turn precision small electric valve actuator is a new product extended for small-diameter gate valve and globe valve. Changed the situation of small caliber electric gate valves to “big bully”. It is suitable for valves with linear movement of opening and closing parts, such as small-diameter gate valves and small-diameter globe valves. Used to open, close or adjust the valve. It is an indispensable driving device for remote control, centralized control and automatic control of valves. They have the characteristics of full function, reliable performance, advanced control system, small size, light weight, easy to use and maintain. Widely used in electric power, metallurgy, petroleum, chemical industry, paper making, sewage treatment and other industries.
Multi-turn precision small electric valve actuators are: switch type, passive type, opening type, electronic type, intelligent type and so on. According to the connection form, it is divided into torque type and thrust type.
型號: 多迴轉電動執行器
尺寸範圍: DK-05 至 DK-400
扭力輸出: 50-400牛頓米
材質: 鋁合金
DELCO 電動多迴轉致動器的功能與特點
精緻緊湊: 美觀大方,內部設計獨特;堅韌耐磨,不易損壞。
小巧尺寸: 體積僅為同類產品的35%左右。
輕巧且便宜: 重量相當於同類產品的1/3。
外觀漂亮: 壓鑄鋁合金外殼,外觀細膩光滑,可減少電磁幹擾。
豐富的功能: 包括開關型、被動接觸型、比例型、智慧型調節型。
精密耐磨: 渦輪與蝸桿完美結合,連結和諧。渦輪輸出採用一體化設計,減少了連接間隙,大大提高了旋轉精度。
方便使用: 無需檢查、無需上油、防鏽、防水、可任意角度安裝。
多重保護: 包括電氣限位、機械限位、過熱保護、除濕保護。
CNC調整: 高度整合的智慧模組,具有數位化設定和整定、高度自我診斷、無需定位器、自動控制和多功能等功能。
安全保障: 通過AC1500V耐壓測試;採用H級高絕緣電機,確保機體及生產的安全。
簡單匹配: 相容於單相、三相、直流電源,外部電路簡單。
